Take me away cause falling in love ain't very far
shut up and sit down
I am crazily doing stupid stuff. I have high pitch laughter. I can cry in 10sec. I have a man character.

scream your lungs


scary flashbacks
April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 July 2010 November 2010 December 2010 March 2011 April 2011
Thursday, January 24, 200801:30



01. 歌曲:让
歌手:杨宗纬 专辑:鸽子

多想要找到一丝挣扎在你脸上 可是你美得冷得淡得像月亮等着你的那辆车灯闪一下 像催你草草断了我们的过往约好要每年回到初拥吻的地方 划一个记号写下相恋的感想 等明年我剩一个人坐在堤防 改唱首什么歌来纪念爱的傻(我)让你逃亡又让你回航 (我)让你依赖我也让你倔强只要你微笑 带一点感动~的泪光 我就得到可以再给的力量
我让你飞翔 又让你说谎 我让你苛求 我也让你奢望我还以为爱 就是要体贴~的退让 我们一起盖的罗马你却跟他拆了城墙踩过我用挚爱建筑的天堂 太绝对的爱 变成了活该朋友要我责怪 我却只想重来 也许这就叫~爱多少日子盖的罗马你用一夜拆了城墙 踩碎我曾让你栖息的胸膛

02. 歌曲:幸福的风
歌手:杨宗纬 专辑:鸽子

以为我永远只能一个人生活 孤单的快乐哀愁偶尔可以伪装 潇洒自由 心里慌了起来自己喝酒以为你只是一个美丽的偶然 垂怜我不经意降落谁知道你不同 谁知道你不走 拥抱著我说终于找到了我
你 看穿我的冷漠 亲吻我的烦勇 不在乎我曾经的错如果不是你的款款温柔 还以为真爱 只是一个传说请 相信我的承诺 虽然有点笨拙 但我看见幸福的风如果我把我的手放在背后 愿不愿意牵著一起走 愿不愿意牵著到最后

03. 歌曲:鸽子
歌手:杨宗纬 专辑:鸽子
我们是想飞(向蓝天的鸽子) 确定方向(不会迷失)跟着快乐王子(跟着我) 一起(寻找幸福的地址)我们是(永远充满爱)的鸽子 迎着风张(开双翅)保持优美的滑翔姿势forever 就是我们的坚持有一种感动她的名字叫念旧 就算衬衫有点皱 球鞋有点破就算乡音有点难懂 我却是情有独钟 尤其是这一路陪伴的老朋友放下沉重(的)包袱 心灵从此解脱 换上夹脚拖鞋双脚重获自由最难过的难过我也已经度过 不要忘记我们曾想要飞翔的梦

04. 歌曲:洋葱
歌手:杨宗纬 专辑:鸽子

如果你眼神能够为我片刻的降临 如果你能听到 心碎的声音沉默的守护著你 沉默的等奇迹 沉默的让自己 像是空气大家都吃著聊著笑著 今晚多开心 最角落里的我 笑得多合群盘底的洋葱像我 永远是调味品 偷偷的看著你 偷偷的隐藏著自己如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心你会发现你会讶异 你是我最压抑 最深处的秘密如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心你会鼻酸 你会流泪 只要你能听到我 看到我的全心全意听你说你和你的他们 暧昧的空气 我和我的绝望 装得很风趣我就样一颗洋葱 永远是配角戏 多希望能与你 有一秒 专属的剧情

05. 歌曲:重来好不好
歌手:杨宗纬 专辑:鸽子

夜一屋子的颓废 思念不放手让我睡你最喜欢听的 爵士音乐幽懒的 忧伤的 残念而我 站在照片的左边 快乐离我越来越远每年这个季节 特别有感觉我好想你想 再见你一面(让)我们重来好不好 再一次温暖的拥抱 求时间停在这一秒倾听你的耳语心跳 许多事曾经是煎熬回头看突然都明了用一切换你的微笑
就像在歌的转折 总有一些期待 真心才能诠释的 爱

06. 歌曲:one day
歌手:杨宗纬 专辑:鸽子
十二月的某一天阳光显得特别刺眼 突然间发现想不出你的脸抬起头墙上时钟告诉我和你好久不见 提醒着所有一切已经事过境迁虽然说把痛交给时间复原有点肤浅 毕竟会这样安慰自己也是在所难免而如今终于能拥抱每个没有你的明天 谁也不需说抱歉 我们之间划条红线那是道泪水 折射以后变成的彩虹 投映在 我们曾仰望的那片天空当星光 点点落在我已久违的笑容 那么 过去 无所谓了会不会 有一天 想起过去我们的腼腆 才更懂珍惜那段太羞涩的岁月当星光 点点落在我已久违的笑容 更加思念 和你之间

07. 歌曲:谁会改变我
歌手:杨宗纬 专辑:鸽子

眼神会让人迷惑 只有这颗心 没变过 生活可以讽刺我 但是可惜你没有资格我的 另一面 用手比划 一二三四 情歌放下就在这一刻用脚说话一二三四 这一秒 无限放大谁会改变我 一直挂在脸上温和的肤色 谁会改变我 一路默默走来遇到的作曲折
不知道要说什么就不要去说什么保持适当沉默 已经是我习惯的动作不会解释什么 不会再为爱扑火 不会了 从前那个我已死了谁会改变我 为了帮助别人伤害到自我 谁会改变我 特立独行一直学不会迎合说了什么都不做 一定什么都不做 失望还是难过 现在对我是一种幽默不会幻想什么 不会再过分自责 不会了 现在这个我才是我哦…… 不知道该怎么做 却又需要选择 记得 让另一个你复活 有一个一定是对的生活给了我什么 我就接受什么 活在 真实存在的世界 是快乐是难过不知道要说什么就不要去说什么保持适当沉默 已经是我习惯的动作 不会解释什么 不会再为爱扑火 不会了 从前那个我已死了说了什么都不做 一定什么都不做 失望还是难过 现在对我是一种幽默不会幻想什么 不会再过分自责 不会了 现在这个我才是我

08. 歌曲:存爱
歌手:杨宗纬 专辑:鸽子

爱情是一本存折零存快乐每天查询有多少的余额你设下难猜密码把自己锁著 既然给你的我就不会舍不得我没有借口去预支你的自由
也没有理由为了偿还爱的承诺 放弃你的天空爱你很多很多 只想存给你快乐却提了更多寂寞存爱存在记忆中 回忆太让我富有 思念却让我贫穷还有多少青春可以挥霍对爱的执著
就让泪水轻轻慢慢流 再蓦然回首

09. 歌曲:对爱渴望
歌手:杨宗纬 专辑:鸽子
条件都已放宽精采又怎样爱情的使用量 尽量减半睡得太晚 梦太频繁 别来烦帮个忙 独自呢喃 天都快亮又回想无尽无尽的夜晚 不打烊的小酒馆 没有人急著回家 没有人想各自回家无尽无尽的夜晚 爱在舌尖上打转 测试他对我有 多疯狂 原来只是精神上对爱渴望 那么向往 那么困难早适应了孤单 孤单不怎样 爱人的使用量 尽量健康睡得太晚 梦太频繁 别来烦 帮个忙 独自呢喃 天都快亮 又回想

10. 歌曲:回忆沙漠
歌手:杨宗纬 专辑:鸽子
可能是寂寞让人闯祸 我的心破了个洞时间的酒我喝很多 醒来后思念来得那么凶想她的时候云在滚动 让时缺不肯随风今天的我孤单生活 每一步都踏在烈日中回忆沙漠不看着反会痛 我喊了一声祝福他听见没有没有明天的人 哪怕寂寞 别管我要往哪里走回忆沙漠 烙下脚印真多 恐怕这世界上的人 也忘了我我未解脱也许今年以后 会看见 另一片绿洲
我渴望雨天可是没用 谁能陪我走一走爱我的人失去联络 谢谢她 肯把昨天还给我

11. 歌曲:你看
歌手:杨宗纬 专辑:鸽子

路 越走越苦 越抚爱 剩下从无到有的明白这世界好坏 有太多姿态 要我拿梦来交换转弯寻个方向 躲起来 默许被误认的应该天只在澎湃 好想大声喊 不要没收 我对纯真 的依赖你看那 四季的剪彩 你看那 寒暑的变盘 你看那生命的色彩 就算哭了 也不能重来有一天你平静去看 会发现自己有多狭窄 睁开眼 还是面 对黑暗
我知道你内心的伤害与认真蓝 那为什么会没有爱你看多余的空白 会有温暖细细填满 你看我身上的羽毛 透过歌声慢慢闪耀有一天你平静去看 会感觉自己变得慷慨 才恍然感动已活过来

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Someone who loves me
Tuesday, January 22, 200823:10
A blessed day with Robert. haha.
That stupid piece of ceiling cracked and striked my forehead(thank God it wasn't directly on my head) while brushing teeth this morning.
Bus 190 had a breakdown in the middle of the jam(road closed, thanks to thaipusam) and we got to walk all the way back for the another bus. One came after another, its all packed. We took the 3rd bus. argh!
I slipped and knock my elbow while boarding the bus. OH NO!

Went Ocean Butterfly Music Forest for audition.
Hmm, was so nervous. I don't know if i did well.
I didn't have time to prepare anything.
Just went and sang my piece. awww.... nervous.

Thanks Robert for the day.
and thanks Veracia for introducing him to me. ahahaha!

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Last week's menu..
Saturday, January 19, 200813:06

Omellete Fried rice

Kanesu chasoba!

Home-made mua chi... Delicious!

Sushi.. haha!

Notice something new? New Bento Box! hahaha!

more to come ...

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Different measures
Monday, January 14, 200817:02
Its not the first time you infringe it.
You should know long ago
but you disregard it.

What can I say?
Well, just be more understanding ...

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Recent Bento ...
Friday, January 11, 200816:03


Pancake with sundae syrup(choc)

Grilled Bread

Tuna, Egg Mayo

Cambelle Vegetable soup

Cambelle Vegetable soup, instant noodle

Mashed potato, Hotdogs, Lettuce

Fried Kway Tiao

Fishball, Prawns, Dao Gey

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Thursday, January 10, 200823:48
YES!!! Tomorrow Yang Zhong Wei's Album offically OUT!!! I'm gonna buy it immediately!!! hahahaha!!! I love 楊宗緯 !

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strange desire ...
Monday, January 07, 200800:37
ehh... Kind of like wishing for something which I shouldn't though.
Its out of the blue. hahahah!
nah... FOCUS!

I'm smarter than you, don't be jealous. hahaha.
hahahha! Veracia, Queen and I saw bird fighting on saturday. They're so aggressive lar.
One of them just step on top of another one. hahahah
Big bird: "what !!! what !!! See what?!"
Small bird: "This is my place hor!"
Big:"Got write your name ah?"
Small:"want fight huh..."
Big: "come lar.. scared ah..."
*bish* *bish* *bish*
Big: (stand on the smaller bird) huh... scared already right ...

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Sunday, January 06, 200801:02
Do you think you know what you need?
Do you think what you think will last you for life?

Do problems change you?
Do you change problems?

Do you plan directions?
Do directions plan you?

Do motivations change you?
Do you change motivations?

Are you a Dreamer?
Are you a Planner?

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friday, january 04, 2008
Yeah! This is my bento on friday ...

Oval Top-tier: Stir fry meat with oyster sauce

Oval Bottom-tier: Fried rice

Rectangular Tier: Fried rice again

My recesses are fruitful!

If you just envy me, stop saying I'm 'hao lian'.

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In sensitive ...
Saturday, January 05, 200823:35

We went swimming today.
We supposed to meet 9 at complex.
Queen reached there at 9.
Kexin went LN, so she's late lar. haha
I called Queen a few time but she didn't hear.
So i decided to wait for at my bus stop.
In the end, she missed the bus and we took different bus.
And we made Queen waited alone. robert!

After bathing, we were doing oure own things in the toilet.
Then i wanted to borrow towel from Queen because I'm rather lazy to take mine out...
I went "Eh, can I borrow your towel? I want to clean my face."
she replied "Huh?!"
"ooh.. sorry sorry" I said.
Awww... I talked to the wrong person! robert!

JJ actually wanted to meet us to buy bag but we were so indecisive.
He met us but did not buy anything. robert.

After lunch, we went to the toilet of Chinese Garden MRT.
It was washing and for a long time alr.
As told by other people there.
The cleaner finally open the toilet door.
murmur to herself in malay "toilet wahing"
walked passed me and scolded vulgarity.
Some more she is wearing a tudong. muslim ah......
@#$%^&* robert.

Went to Eastpoint, pet lover and wanted to buy rabbit but it cost was $180.
Bought hamster instead...
I robertted the budget. robert.

Service ended before 730pm but I reached home at around 930. ROBERT.

I thought Seth was Yerui when he chat with me. robert.
thats why i replied.

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Bento wakes me and.. it works!
Thursday, January 03, 200823:42
I'm really tired as I've been putting in lots of work and time for my bento.
I've been sleeping like 3 - 4 hours a day.
And I cannot sleep in class anymore.. so I left with no time to sleep.

Despite of that, I'm still awake now because of my beautiful bento photos.
I want to post this. I want to show you my beautiful and delicious bento I brought to school.
This hobby triggered when I was working during the holidays.
I felt so unhealthy and expensive eating outside food everyday.
And I started to have sore throat.
So I told myself, I must bring pack food to work in future.
This thought of bringing pack food came to me.
I decided to bring it to school.
Coincidentally, Veracia and I saw beautiful bento boxes in Daiso.
These beautiful bento boxes motivates me to bring NICE food to school.
The more boxes I buy, it motivates me to cook and be creatitive of new dishes.
Preparation of bento motivates me to wake up early.
Beautiful bento pictures motivate me to post.
Beautiful bento boxes motivates me to wash my dishes every. hahaha.
I brought 2 seperate box today.
Oval Top-tier consist of ABC soup
Bottom-tier consist of fish flavoured onigiri
Rectangular Top-tier consist of potato salad and cucumber yogurt.
Bottom-tier consist of grilled onigiri

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New Hobby... Bento Making!!!
Wednesday, January 02, 200822:17
Yeah!!! Veracia and I discovered our new hobby!

Bringing beautiful bentos to school and work! hhahaha!

We actually went to ransack Daiso for cute bento boxes!!!
hahaha! I bought 1 bento box yesterday and 2 today! hahahha!

This is the 2-tier bento box I brought to school today.

Top tier consist of onigiri, potato and carrots for dressings.

Bottom tier consist of egg and carrot and cucumber salad.

Its Convenient, Healthy, Easy and Cheap! (CHEC)

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